Critical Inquiry Integration OTL101 Reflection Resolution


Create a new post and discuss the following:

  • Take a look back through your previous posts and apply the ‘Showcase’ category to your best work.

I applied the showcase category to my cognitive presence post. I think that I understand this from a student perspective and so can apply that to my teaching.

  • What are 2-3 of the most important ideas that you have studied during this course?

Constructive alignment is very important to ensure student success. There is nothing more frustrating as a student than to have to complete an assessment that seems to have no bearing on course outcomes.

Feedback is also very important, especially in an online environment. The ability to keep students engaged by providing clear and effective feedback encourages student success.

  • Identify 2-3 specific goals that you would like to achieve in light of what you have learned about cognitive presence, approaches to learning, and feedback

I would like to review my course to ensure that there is good constructive alignment. I did not create/write the course and this was the first time I taught it. The course does not run again until next January, so I have some time to make that happen. I have already found a couple of places where the learning outcomes are indicated in the wrong module and where there is information missing for the students to be able to complete assignments.

There is one assignment where the students must participate in a discussion forum and I need to make sure that I am more present to be able to encourage more deep thinking about the topic. I also need to increase the time frame for the discussion to provide students the time to process replies to their posts.