OTL301 post 6 Uncategorized


  • What are the most important lessons you gathered from the course?

I think that Constructive Alignment is so important. Lack of alignment creates frustration for both student and OLFM (especially if the OLFM was not the curriculum developer. In some courses it is apparent that a print course was simply transferred to online and it does not work. This means that the FM must essentially check everything and rewrite where necessary. If they miss something, the students are confused and frustrated

  • How has your thinking changed as a result of completing the course?

I’m not sure how much my thinking has changed. I do see the value in the critical inquiry model, but I think I was using it before, I simply didn’t know the ‘title’.

  • What learning strategies were most effective for you? Why?

I found the most value in reading the articles/lessons and thinking about the questions asked. I found value in the posts that I had to write, but would have preferred to not have to blog them.

In addition to reflecting on your work, please include 2-3 ideas that you would like to implement in your own practice and how you might go about doing so.

I will be creating an introduction video to help create community at the start of the course.

I will be assigning pre-work to my discussion assignment so that students can use the entire time period to discuss rather than have to do the research within the unit week.

I will be much more present in the discussion forums to direct and assist students to think critically about the information.

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